Snoeijing Reintegration and Coaching offers a wide range of services:
Welke diensten worden aangeboden?
Re-integration programs, coaching, career counseling, outplacement, business consultancy, recruitment, psychosocial and psychological counseling.
Snoeijing Reintegration and Coaching works for individuals, institutions, companies and organizations.
I provide support in several ways: I can come to your home, to your place of employment or you can come to my office.
A prerequisite for good guidance is that the person receiving counseling feels comfortable.
With every client’s situation, influencing factors are taken into account. There is attention for your strengths as well as the areas that need development. Obviously, you are in control of your own path forward and of course I can support you.

Snoeijing Reintegration and Coaching and has gained extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of Health and Welfare. Specific cultures and opportunities for various change processes are examined and complex issues are not ignored. Snoeijing Reintegration and coaching is very people-oriented.
Maruscha Snoeijing has worked in a similar position at the Van Hoek & Snoeijing agency and has developed her own methods. The time came for her to independently provide quality guidance, support and advice.